Make fun and custom sweatshirts or shirts in this embroidery class with Kari! The key to these amazing designs is stabilizer - which kind, in which order, on which side… so much to learn. Kari is the perfect teacher for this class with so much knowledge. Learn how to center your designs, how to use your software or your machine to get the lettering or designs you desire.
Leah made this sweet “MAMA” shirt using her littles onesies in the applique. More info below as well as the sign up link.
Date: Tuesday, December 17th
Time: 9:00am - ??
Class Instructor Fee: $35.00
Supplies: Please bring with you the shirts/sweatshirts you would like to embroider on, it is a good idea to have a spare in case you mess up! This class requires an embroidery machine. Bring your computer and software if you are signed up and subscribed (My Sew Net) - Kari can help you with your designs if not.
Stabilizers: Wash Away Topping, Iron On stabilizer, Sticky Back Wash Away stabilizer - all available for purchase in the store.
Other notions: Bring your specialty embroidery scissors and your other commonly used embroidery notions. Seam ripper, magnetic hoops, thread colors you’ll be using on your project, etc.
Feel free to reach out to Kari with any questions about the class! 1-308-778-6379